My Home Group Packs Meals to Feed 97 Children for a Year

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona – My Home Group staff, agents and partners and industry professionals alike joined forces this month with Feed My Starving Children to pack meals for those in need all over the world.
From measuring, packaging, weighing, labeling and boxing, all hands were on deck as the nearly 60 volunteers worked together for the one hour race. Teams challenged what station could assemble and pack the most meals in an effort to get as many meals to those in need as possible. The group was able to pack enough meals to feed 97 children worldwide for a full year.
“The work we do is deeply personal to us, our volunteers, donors, food distribution partners and meal recipients,” Says FMSC. “And we mean it when we say it: “We want to reach everyone, until ALL are fed.” Because no one deserves to go hungry, especially when we can do something about it. We’ve worked hard to create nutritious meal formulas that really meet the needs of starving people, and this food makes a real impact in their lives. Learn more about FMSC food formulas”
My Home Group and its charitable entity, MHGCares is dedicated to supporting efforts in, around and beyond our Arizona community that are important to its staff, agents and partners. If you would like to get involved or want more information about the Feed My Starving Children organization, click here.