John Olson

John Olson Portrait

Phone: 480-221-7835

I am here to help make your real estate experience enjoyable and exciting! As a family-oriented professional with over 22 years of hands-on customer service in the luxury hotel industry, I bring a unique perspective to the world of real estate. With my engaging personality, whether buying, selling, or investing, I have honed my skills as a great listener and I excel at anticipating client needs. I understand the importance of attention to detail, clear communication, and going above and beyond to exceed expectations so you will get a level of service that is exceptional and personalized so we will be left with
a long-lasting relationship. I am a married family man with a wonderful wife, 3 amazing kids and a puppy. I am also passionate about gardening, the great outdoors, barbecuing, and off-roading. This has provided me with an understanding of the individual needs and preferences of families when it comes time to fulfill your dream of homeownership.

  • Arizona