Dennis Baldwin

Dennis Baldwin Portrait


Cell: 760.271.9542
Office: 623.565.5576

I love helping people! I am passionate about real estate and being an agent is a perfect fit for me. I understand that moving in general is stressful so I always go the extra mile to help. Choosing the right realtor that takes the time to understand your wants and needs is key. The process of looking at homes, choosing the right one, and making an offer can be daunting. After your offer is accepted, there is still a lot of work to do to make sure you’re getting all you deserve. I understand that time is valuable, and speedy responses help for seamless transactions. That’s why I have joined an amazing group of real estate guru’s, The Laughton Team. The staff at Laughton offers 24 hour agent support which guarantees I always have up-to-date, accurate information to research any market conditions or questions. Let’s face it, you have many options when it comes to choosing a realtor, and I consider it an honor to work for you, and with you.

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